
May 19th ♪ Cooking Toy

Hello ! Today's topic is..."Cooking Toy".

Have you tried it when you were a child ?

It is different from play house, you can make sweets and something to eat really.

In addition, kitchen knife and fire is needless or procedure is simple.

Therefore cooking toys are popular for children and adults now.

I'd like to introduce some of these toys !

First one is "Roll Cake Pallet" by Mega Toys Inc.

This is the kit of roll cake. You can make 2 cakes (about 5~9 cm) for an hour.

And attractive points of this cooking toy is...

♪There are cute shape cutter. (heart, star , flower, ribbon)

♪You can put message by using pastry bag.

I want to buy it :) !

Next is "Kururin Ice Cream " released by Sega Toys. ¥4,500~

You can make your own ice cream in your house !

It takes 3 hours to cool the pot before. But after that, mixing ingredients for 10 minutes,

ice cream is completed.

It seems very fun!

If you have a interest, please check this movie.

There are a lot of cooking toys in Japan.

For example, soba/Sushi roll (Hutomaki)/Mochi maker.

I think cooking toy is not just for children, every people can enjoy it.

It is communication tool for family and friends, also tool for tell food cultures.

Thank you ;)

5 件のコメント:

  1. hello, maiko. i'm Sesshy.
    Kururin Ice Cream sounds nice and very cute for just display.
    well, it's too expensive to buy, isn't it?
    i wanna buy, but it's much better to buy just ice cream...

    i'm also interesting in "ie soba" which can make soba for 20 minutes.
    i searched it, and it cost 13125 yen...

    someone buy for me~~~ lol

    have you ever tried these things?

  2. I'm Tomomi.

    I have never used cooking toyx(
    It looks interesting!
    I know children like making something,
    So they can be satisfied by them.

    But I'm worrid about ...
    children are tired of them.
    When we become a mother, we have to care tireing:)

  3. Hi! I'm Mariko.
    I was very interested in it these days!
    coz I wanna try it in my home party!!
    It must be fun:)
    I've seen chocolate fondue cooking toy;)

    I hope that children will be interested in cooking through this toy. I think it may be a chance to start cooking!!

  4. Hi, I'm Shiori.
    I really wanted them when i was a child but my mum didn't buy for me..

    I think cooking toy gives children a opportunity to try to cook. It is a good thing!

  5. Hi Maiko.
    I'm Mai. Thanks for your comment!
    I enjoyed reading your blog and I'm interested in the cooking toys.
    When I was a kid, I didn't have any..:'( Because my mom didn't buy iot for me..
    However, I want it now because we can make cute sweets with them!!
